Monday, April 6, 2009

The Seventh Seal

I was absent the first day that the class watched the Seventh Seal. There was one part of the movie in which I don't remember much happening, and which I thought the movie could have been just as good without. It was the scene where the men are rolling the cart through the river and to the execution site. Can anyone tell me if im missing something?


  1. Well the main idea that I remember about that scene was that they became trapped in the mud and were helped out of the mud but the Knight and Mary and Joseph among others. I believe this gave death a chance to catch up with them as they followed the girl to the execution. I can't tell you with any certainty however if this had any symbolic meaning because I can't remember any.

  2. It shows that we are complicit in evil. They do not want the witch to be killed, but they help anyway. Jons asks why they're doing it at night when nobody can watch. "Peaple need divesion (entertainment)" Earlier, they are freaked out by the silence in the forest and ask for the sound of a single human voice. They get their wish, but who is it? A bunch of soldiers on their way to torture and murder a child. What a world. Similar themes are addressed when the girl on the Runaway Train asks Buck, a rapist, to hold her. And we wonder why Rhyanna returned to that rap star who beat her up.
